Nonpartisan Independent Green Socialist plan to force Stalemate

Optimism is created by young Ds joining the Green Party push for a green new deal.

Imagine millions of sensitive and intelligent young brains focused on creating a real world economy that actually strengthens the nation.

There are tens of millions of young nonpartisan independent green socialists in the US. Imagine them united in citizen science calculating the true cost of everything sold in the United States and posting it on line, gratis, free for all. Government is not needed for this most important task.

Evolution is accelerating at an accelerating rate. Stephen Hawking is the most recent of many who have explained this, in his last book. Many philosophers and mathematicians have explained this. Each conversation leads to at least two brains with an uncountable number of possible new ideas. And this goes on all day every day.

We are evolving past representatives in the information age. There is no individual who can represent trillions of nerve synapse combinations communicating in each brain when those unmeasurable connections of thought in each individual have decided to assist their interpersonal connections into concert with computer and telecommunication networks.

Is cosmic powered biology purposefully communicating with itself assisted by transistors artificial intelligence?

Information Age physics presents evolution accelerating at an accelerating rate. The idea of any individual or corporation representing that is nonsense now. Humanity is a mature species, a self knowing part of cosmic powered biology.

The following is an agenda suggestion I recently wrote to my local greens. Do you see logic to a stalemate as victory in this US 2020 election cycle?

1) Plan to enlist half of voting age citizens who boycott voting. For those who believe non voters are lazy, loutish or stupid, consider reading Gilens and Page analysis archived here

2) Elections cost roughly 40¢ per person and thus a hung election is both affordable and similar to winning a stalemate for the player who is behind in chess. Greens know that Ds & Rs are partners in a corporation called “Presidential Election Debates.” Therefore; Stalemate is a valid goal on a path to ultimate victory.

3) Rough voter breakdown (for example only)

50% ± Boycott elections
25% ± register as independents
11% ± Ds
10% ± Rs
4% others (greens, socialists libertarians etc)

6) Human society is somewhere between a pack and a herd. Those who boycott tend to be the most skittish and alert (please consider the existence of an example representative democracy that is not rushing to specie suicide and financing it with austerity).

The largest groups greens have a chance with are boycotters. Add independents with boycotters for the most numerous pool of voters by far. Some of the boycotters tend toward the right yet many are open to consider themselves as independent green socialists.

Although it is true that greens are tangentially focused on Instant Runoff Voting, analysis of this path precludes considering outright sweeping victory needed during these emergency times of environmental collapse and unending war. Supporting a plan that ensures a victory for one candidate or idea through instant runoff voting is exactly contrary to a Green Party victory. Assuming there is agreement that one cannot name a representative democracy that is not attempting to grow its economy faster and faster all the way to species extinction, a policy goal that ensures an election victory is totally wrong headed.

The 50% who boycott elections might listen to the possibility of registering as nonpartisan independent green socialists. If this begins to unfold in a grand manner of tens of millions of people, the formal Green Party will have opportunity for fundraising on a scale it has not yet experienced. Of course some method will need to be derived so that nonpartisan independent green socialists feel included in how their donations are spent. Some may even decide to join the formal structure. Notice that derivation of this method will be actual evolution toward what comes after representative democracy that mostly represents capital.

Monkey Wrench is the key idea here; tens of millions who are encouraged to register as nonpartisan independent green socialists will instantly grasp the idea of voting green if there is such a person or idea on their ballot, maybe they will even vote for Ds that are virtual greens. Stalemate can be won, and it is a victory. Independent green socialists write in none of the above or leave blanks if there are no greens or virtual greens for a given candidate slot or proposal. This is called official blank in some countries.

4) Do greens plod along building a party to compete with D&R inc.? Or, Do greens recognize now that if they succeed with stalemate there will be a new form of democracy born?

Garrett Connelly

PS > info for those needing shelter, sanitation and water, initial web pages at and general interest

PSS > Please inform computer talent who would like to work and finish this game-like poll and decision tool, others have seen it and done it for themselves and these listed sites need a completed version that can grow and

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Shelter, sanitation and water

Hello, provides basic information gratis. There one finds information about shelter, sanitation, and water.

Note there is and “Emergency” category that includes building flytrap compost toilets using rubble.

Garrett Connelly

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Balanced budget is a modern progressive position

August 7, 2016 was Overshoot Day. That is the day when the world economy overshoots Earth’s ability to resupply and recycle wastes. Earth overshoot day occurs earlier each year. Greenhouse gasses, water pollution and specie extinction are among the more dangerous overshoots.*

The world economy requires 1.6 Earths. If every one on Earth lived like the US, the world economy would require 4.8 Earths — 5.4 Earths if we all lived like Australians. France and the UK operate at about a three Earth consumption level. Imagine if every working age person on Earth was busy 40 hours a week making updated iGizmos to keep their company sales growth on target.

Additionally, it is well known that the greatest life-style ecological damage is at the highest wealth; eliminate the lower income 85% of humanity and the change in ecological damage will not be sufficient to avert impending ecological collapse.

Eking out a living being an educated and active person in a loving family and culture that leaves Earth healthy and provides plenty of time for fun is a completely valid way to live. Such a life that considers the goal of education and Earth healing grace as the ultimate success can be the example citizen in a society and economy that reaches for star travel. Super wealthy individuals are not needed for humanity to become space travelers. Cosmic powered biology manifest as human travels the cosmos just as water runs down hill.

We are riding an accelerating cosmic expansion traveling very fast in a direction we do not know. We are cosmic powered biology manifest as human surfing big still banging at life speed. We became diverted and hurt our Earth for money. Humanity awakens. We are sorry now.

Salient modern thought explores methods of reducing economic intensity to less than one Earth. Why is the chosen descriptor salient? The proposal here is to heal Earth with human rights using real cultural tools available to humanity as a biological facet of big bang — Autonomous democracy and distributed intelligence.

Autonomous democracy is a tool to focus distributed intelligence.

Demand for a balanced budget is central to modern progressive thinking even if most progressives don’t realize it. This statement appears counterintuitive at first glance only because smoke and textual mirrors of Oz obscure reality. This brief manifesto lays out today’s practical and political reasons for budgetary balance rather than explain how and why the idea became so muddled in economic mumbo jumbo.

Do you remember when your middle school teacher explained to the class why the house of representatives has the shortest term? Two years. Remember? It is because the representatives are in charge of the budget. If your elected representative spends too much money and your taxes go up for something you don’t want, you vote that representative out. Pronto.

This simple idea was worked out in the US constitution 230 years ago ±. It stands as an uncanny intergenerational communication of a subject that encompasses modern basics of the information-age. On the largest scale, today, we measure gravity waves. And at the quantum level we study atomic and sub atomic events that are wave or particle depending on the observer. The idea of a balanced budget fits in here because our national founders have directly communicated reasonable and salient information to us across time at a moment of need in the information age.

Deficit government spending destroys democracy by avoiding discomfort to voting taxpayers. Elected representatives are thus able to spend freely on group-think purchases from crony capitalists. Voter retribution is side-stepped and grateful campaign contributors buy electoral victories that turn two years into a career for life. Democracy is destroyed in this way; government spends imaginary money on real and often secret things intelligent people wouldn’t pay for.

A balanced budget was accepted as a fact of life by the writers of the US constitution. The remedy for excess spending remains the ballot box. US founders knew there would be times when major improvements cost more than the annual taxes could afford. A ballot proposal to create a public bond to finance a large project is an exercise of democracy. Exercise of democracy as a continuous act that includes examination of bond proposals. That is a constitutional expectation of a balanced budget. Current budgetary practices by the house of representatives is contrary to this expectation and thus destroys democracy. Therefor, a new congress in two years is high priority.

The underlying purpose of these ideas as laid out is to help define those steps needed to eliminate corruption, reverse austerity, and establish that deficit spending to enhance growth with green jobs contains major intellectual problems that need to be thought out.

Yes. We need good trains and mass transit. What we don’t need is eternal war and a trillion dollar modernized nuclear weapons arsenal. Deficit federal spending destroys democracy by funding projects which taxpayers would object to when they paid the tax for it. Remember. That is why US founders placed primary budget responsibility with two-year representatives.

We also need small-scale organic food production to provide protein from legumes and cut back on red meat. How do we utilize this wide-spread knowledge? Autonomous democracy is a tool to focus distributed intelligence.

There is much talk of jobs for millions yet no discussion of corporate agriculture and its use of semi-slave migrant labor. Industrial agriculture uses trainloads of poison chemicals sprayed in California according to a calendar schedule hanging on a wall street wall. Distributed human intelligence knows that corporate agriculture is socially archaic and among the preeminent polluters. That it ranks as a polluter along with heating, cooling, manufacture, transport, and energy and supplies questionable products made questionable by a system designed for maximum profit.

How many tens of millions of unemployed would gravitate to small-scale ecological agriculture to raise a family if Earth preservation is too expensive for corporations? Tens of millions of formerly under employed over educated citizen scientists will turn to ecological agriculture. They will tend to have smaller families which result as an unintended benefit of education, just as their urban counterparts, many of whom will be helping with boosting quality of life for an aging population. A gentle population decline will put less stress on Earth and distributed human intelligence can design a sustainable new way that does not require endless capitalist expansion.

Intriguing topics that are not discussed by the national media monopolies are the very soul of complex ideas that distributed human intelligence brings to focus with gusto. Especially on the bio-net. For example, humanity knows the US military is number one polluter, followed by US national government. Autonomous democracy is more than binary. Many people have noticed all of life’s facets discussed thus far, plus an infinitude. Autonomous democracy is an ancient organic tool humans use to focus distributed human intelligence and then tell the government what to do.

Autonomous democracy has grown along with distributed human understanding from fire-lit caves to here and now, the information age. Science and the dawning of Aquarius illuminate autonomous democracy as part of being human.

A military empire that attempts to direct the human biological aspect of big still banging is doomed to everlasting hubris on a treadmill. Followed by bankruptcy.


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